Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)
If you’re looking for IUI treatment in Tamilnadu, rest assured it’s a common fertility treatment that can help you conceive.
What is IUI?
IUI treatment is when good quality, pre-prepared ‘washed’ sperm is inserted directly into the uterus. IUI puts the sperm closer to the egg in the hope that fertilisation occurs.

Who is suitable for IUI?
IUI is a good course of treatment if:
- There are ovulation problems – IUI can be used in conjunction with fertility drugs to boost the number of eggs produced
- You’re a single woman or in a same-sex relationship and need to conceive using donor sperm.
In order for IUI to be successful, there must be enough healthy, motile sperm available and the fallopian tubes must be open and healthy, with no blockages.
If not, IVF may be a more suitable course of infertility treatment.
Do I need to take fertility drugs to undergo IUI treatment?
No, not always. IUI treatment with fertility drugs is recommended when there are problems with ovulation. If you have unexplained infertility, then inducing super ovulation along with IUI may be appropriate before progressing to IVF treatment. To avoid the risk of a multiple pregnancy, we do not proceed with treatment with more than two follicles.

How does IUI work?
If you are having IUI treatment without using fertility drugs, then the treatment will occur around the same time you ovulate naturally in your cycle. If you are using fertility drugs, regular scans are used to monitor the development of your eggs and IUI is timed for when the egg is released.
The best-quality sperm are then inserted into the uterusvia a catheter. This is a simple and quick procedure, which is usually painless. After the treatment you won’t need to stay in the clinic, although you may wish to rest for a short while.